What makes Colorplan such a great paper for designers ?
The different shades enable designers to create a brand identity whether you require intense colour or subtle tones.
Your chosen shade is part of a collection of colours so your client does not have to worry about a discontinuation problem.
Flexibility of finish
25 Embossings can be added to any shade to create an individual look and feel.
Bespoke Makings
The proverbial icing on the cake.
Create a distinct colour for your
clients brandor match an existing brand colour
(Minimum 4 tonnes).
Marr's Green is the result of a unique online experiment
run byG.F. Smith. A website was set up with
people choosing their favourite colours and imputing the
feelings they would associate with that colour.
The Most popular Colour was found to be Marr's Green.
A book was collated with the findings to create 'The Worlds Favourite Colour Book' an insightful book that
would be a great addition to any designers office.
What Designer would not want a printed reference of
the various colours and the emotions that inspired them!
Available for sale soon If you are interested in purchasing a copy email design@realt-paper.com
Marr's Green

Marr's Green
G.F. Smith, London